It doesn't seem to be theologically popular anymore
to believe that God can speak in a still small voice.
But I was taught young to sit before the Lord and wait for Him.
He does speak.
I have kept a journal over the years of His speaking.
It's not often, but always life changing.
Something I never knew until I had cancer,
was that the Lord is willing
to reveal the plans of the enemy.
Other than a gut instinct warning about people or situations,
I had up to this point, zero experience with God
on reconnaissance.
It is also not theologically popular to believe
Satan can influence or harm believers;
but I'm not trying to convince anyone of my interpretation.
Just testifying to my experience and the goodness of the Lord.
It began with a heavy feeling in our home.
Oppressiveness growing in our circumstances and relationships.
We just couldn't get the darkness to flee.
So we prayed, and read books with any title regarding
"Overcoming", "Perseverance" and "Victory".
We even bought a set of dvds
by Chip Ingram on Spiritual Warfare
to watch with the kids.
And that's when it happened.
After the last family dvd night,
we all got on our knees
and I prayed,
"Lord, show us how the enemy is getting into our lives.
Show us, O Lord, what has been formed against us."
And our lives
turned upside down
in order to get turned
right side up.
"Go to the doctor", He said in a still small voice.
So after 3 promptings and 6 months of delaying, I went.
I was shocked to hear the dreaded "C" word.
I cried. I was devastated.
And I asked, "Why, Lord?"
And His still small voice said,
"You asked what had been formed against you."
I have not been the same since.
Because cancer was not the only thing formed against us.
The enemy was coming in like a flood against all 7 of us.
Sabotage was clearly ordered to take out our health,
and destruction unleashed in relationships
and circumstances where we did not suspect.
I crumbled under the weight of it.
"Lord, I need this reveal party to be over.
I can't bear any more."
It has taken a long time to recover from that experience.
But I am in awe of the Living God who
speaks and reveals and rescues.
I tremble now when I ask how the enemy is getting in.
But i can't imagine not asking.
We made it through,
exhausted, alive, and looking up.
Jeremiah 11:18/2 Cor 2:11
Because the Lord revealed their plot to me,
and I knew./ so that we would not be outwitted
by Satan, or ignorant of his designs.
Living Water is not tranquil.
But we cannot live without it.